What Is An Instagram Growth Service? Before we dig into the top three, let’s quickly review what a growth service is. Essentially, an Inst...

best Instagram Growth Services of 2021


What Is An Instagram Growth Service?

Before we dig into the top three, let’s quickly review what a growth service is. Essentially, an Instagram growth service grows your account by consistently increasing your engagement rates. It can be either a team of social media strategists or an automatic online tool. The number one thing you need to be aware of is that you only want organic growth. 

What does this mean?
In a nutshell, you want a growth strategy that involves a human factor. Many growth services use bots to boost your account, and once Instagram finds out about it (which they will), you might end up blocked or banned. 

Upleap is a growth service that helps you create strategies to increase your engagement rates and enhance your overall presence on Instagram.

What makes Upleap stand out is their personalized approach to Instagram growth - once you sign up, you will get assigned a personal account manager who will do everything they can to grow your account. You can forget about bots with Upleap - all you get is real organic growth.

  • How does Upleap work?

Upleap has a set of features that will boost your account. It works based on targeting filters that you need to set up according to your desired audience. Once you choose a target audience, your manager will take it from there. You can keep track of your progress on the Dashboard. 

How does Upleap help you?
  • Your manager will make sure you only get real followers. The fact that there are no bots involved means safety is guaranteed, and you don’t ever have to worry about getting banned for breaking Instagram’s rules. The bottom line - you get genuine and safe organic growth.